Saturday, July 11, 2009

First Post and Rambling

Hi everyone, this is Jessie, aka Echoli on youtube.

If you have never seen me or heard of me before, check out my youtube channel here ---->

Some of my subscribers asked me before whether I have a blog.... Yes.... and No. I have a twitter account, but I don't really update very often. I am quite active on Xanga, which is more for personal uses (rants and whining XD). So today, very impulsively, I decided to start on blogspot. =)

I have no idea why I didn't blog here before.... Oh well... It's never too late, right? I love music, photography, makeup, and animals. This blog is gonna be a mixture of makeup, skincare, random haulage, reviews and of course, photographys that I take w/ my D80. I'll try to update as often as possible.

So today I'm just going to leave you guys w/ some pix I took during the Independence weekend. I will try to update everyday. Thank you all~~~~~ Until next time....


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