Friday, June 11, 2010

FOTD:Dee Hsu Inspired Look

Dee Hsu aka 徐熙娣 aka 小S is one of my favorite Taiwanese stars. She used to be a singer, but now she mainly hosts entertainment talk shows. She is wild, down to earth, and sooooo freaking hilarious. She is probably one of the very few people who acts and talks without caring what other people think, well on TV anyways.

Anyways.... So I got really inspired by the look she was wearing in the photo. It's amazing how the makeup artist was able to change the shape of her eye. And the smoky look is so clean and so sexy at the same time. So I tried to replicate the look.... but I don't think I was able to change the shape of my eyes...... So here is the fail attempt 1...... I will try to do a tutorial once I figure out how to replicate the look... haha...

As usual, circle lenses are from

The particular pair I'm wearing is World Series 3-toned lenses in Grey.

Enter "ECHOLI10" at check out to get 10% discount on your entire order


  1. Wow, you look great!! Very model-esque of you!!! :o)

  2. Beautiful look! You look quite smexy!

    I tagged you, btw. Hopefully you'll do the tag! ^^

  3. The eyelashes look fabulous!
